
Saying goodbye to your pet may be one of the single most difficult decisions you encounter. The staff here at Pioneer Animal Hospital have all lost one of their own beloved pets and understand your loss, desiring only to make the process as easy for you as possible.

Making an Appointment
Our clients can call us anytime during business hours to set up an appointment. We try and schedule these type of appointments towards the end of the day so it is less busy in the clinic and you can spend your last moments in a less stressful, more quiet environment. However, if that timing does not work other arrangements can be made. If you do not wish to be with your pet during the procedure there is also the option that you may call and set up a time to drop of your pet.

What to Expect
The procedure will be explained to you in full by the veterinarian when you are settled in the exam room.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions, everything will be done at your discretion. The actual procedure is quite simple and peaceful, sometimes a sedative is given before to relax your pet and make the process go more smoothly. Once you are ready, the final drug is given. It works very rapidly, only seconds in most cases.  The veterinarian will then confirm when your pet has passed on by listening for a heart beat.  After, you may spend as much time with your pet saying goodbye as you need.

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